25 July 2024: Openair cinema Savognin takes place today! ‘Eine Million Minuten’ is on tonight at 9.15pm.

Book your tickets here

Safely on the road.

Mountain guide & hike guide

Ski touring
Experience together with a mountain guide unforgettable moments in the fantastic mountain world around Savognin and Bivio.
The mountain guides accompany you in winter as well as in summer to the summit and then safely back to the valley.


With his many years of experience as a mountain guide and hunting guide, Geni Ballat is happy to guide you into the beautiful mountain world, near and far - be it on ski tours, high altitude tours, climbing, trekking trips and expeditions, in groups or on private tours.


Ballat Geni
Mezvei 17
7464 Parsonz
+41 79 329 85 85

Bergführer Geni Ballat


Marco Poltera is a mountain guide and is happy to accompany you or your group on ski tours, high altitude tours or climbing tours. He also offers training days in the ice and snow or a classic glacier trekking.


Tel .+41 79 297 87 18 oder info@marcopoltera.ch


Other contacts for snowshoe/ski tours and hiking tours


Hiking guide Sep Antona Bergamin
Tel. +41 79 335 43 56 or sepantona.bergamin@hotmail.com

Wanderleiter Sep Antona Bergamin


Hiking guide Stefan Moser
Tel. +41 81 637 11 00 or shop@bananas-shop.net

Wanderleiter Stefan Moser


Hiking guide Victoria Spinas
Tel. +41 81 684 16 95 or victoria.spinas@bluewin.ch

Wanderleiterin Victoria Spinas

as well as

Bergsportschule Grischa
Tel. +41 79 102 33 65 or info@bergsportschulegrischa.ch

... or the Snow Schools in the region