Parc Ela Trek Etappe 8: Alp Flix - Furschela da Colm - Alp d'Err

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The Parc Ela Trek leads from the species-rich Alp Flix over alpine pastures, past old manganese ore mines, always with Piz Ela in view, to the Sennalp Alp d'Err.
The species-rich Alp Flix, a Walser settlement from the 14th century, is inhabited all year round. At the hamlet of Tgalucas (1969 m) the ascent over alpine pastures begins. The view over the plateau of Alp Flix to Piz Platta is overwhelming. At P. 2440 a short footpath leads to Piz Colm (2414 m) with a view northwards into the Surses. Back on the hiking trail towards Furschela da Colm, the red tones of the ore-bearing rock predominate. In the Parsettens area, the red spoil heaps left over from manganese ore mining cannot be overlooked. Mining has been carried out here, with interruptions, since the Middle Ages and most recently during the 2nd World War. Before we descend to the Alp d'Err, our gaze wanders to the shapely Piz Ela. With its 3339 m, it is the highest peak of the Bergünerstöcke. Above the alpine buildings of the Alp d'Err we can see a rock glacier consisting of rock and ice (permafrost). The last few meters are leisurely to Alp d'Err, our stage destination. Overnight: Alp d'Err
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